
Eraquel Oral Paste Horse Wormer


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Eraquel Oral Paste Horse Wormer

Animal Medicines are an Instore Only Purchase via speaking with a Suitably Qualified Person here at Townfields Showroom.

for the treatment and control of adult and immature gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms and bots of horses

To ensure that you read the most up to date product information link to

Link to Veterinary Medicines Suspected Adverse Reaction Scheme.

Use of a scale or weigh tape is recommended to ensure accurate dosing.

A white homogenous paste containing 1.87% w/w ivermectin Ph.Eur.




For the treatment and control of adult and immature gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms and bots of horses, including:
Large strongylesStrongylus vulgaris adults and 4th larval (arterial) stages; Strongylus edentatus adults and 4th larval (tissue) stages; Strongylus equinus adults
Small strongyles, adults Cyathostomum spp.; Cylicocyclus spp.; Cylicodontophorus spp.; Cylicostephanus spp.; Gyalocephalus spp.
Hairworms Trichostrongylus axei adults
Pinworms Oxyuris equi adults and immatures
Ascarids Parascaris equorum adults
Intestinal threadworms Strongyloides westeri adults
Large-mouth stomach worms Habronema muscae adults
Neck threadworms Onchocerca spp. (microfilariae)
Lungworms Dictyocaulus arnfieldi adult and immature
Stomach bots Gasterophilus spp. oral and gastric larval stages


ERAQUELL paste is given by mouth at the recommended dose rate of 200 micrograms per kg of bodyweight as a single dose. Each syringe division delivers sufficient paste to treat 100kg of bodyweight (corresponding to 1.07g product and 20mg ivermectin). Each syringe delivers 140mg ivermectin, sufficient to treat 700kg of bodyweight.

The horse’s weight should be accurately determined to ensure use of the correct dose of product.

The animal’s mouth must be free of food. The syringe should be placed between the front and back teeth and the paste deposited at the base of the tongue. Immediately elevate the head for a few seconds to ensure that the product is swallowed. Re-treatment should be carried out according to the epidemiological situation and at not less than 30 day intervals. Eraquell may be used in pregnant mares.


Contra-indications, warnings, etc
For animal treatment only.
Not to be used in mares producing milk for human consumption.
Some horses carrying heavy infection of Onchocerca microfilariae have experienced reactions with swelling and itching after treatment. It is assumed to be the result of death of large numbers of microfilariae.
These signs resolve within a few days but symptomatic treatment may be advisable.
Eraquell has been formulated specifically for use in horses. Dogs and cats may be adversely affected by the concentration of ivermectin in this product, if they are allowed to ingest spilled paste or have access to used syringes.
As ivermectin is extremely dangerous to fish and aquatic life, treated animals should not have direct access to surface water and ditches during treatment.
Wash hands after use.
Avoid eye contact.
Do not smoke or eat while handling the product.
Withdrawal period
Meat and offal : 30 days.
Do not use in mares producing milk for human consumption.
Container disposal
Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. Ivermectin is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO FISH AND AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surface water or ditches with the product

Further information

No known interaction with other equine medicaments.



Pharmaceutical precautions
Keep out of the reach of children. Store below 30° C.


Legal category: POM-VPS

Marketing Authorisation Number
Vm 05653/4202

GTIN description:Eraquell 7.49g Syringe


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