Muzzles and Cribbing Collars

Muzzles and Cribbing Collars

Shires Flexi Grazer MuzzleShires Flexi Grazer Muzzle
Shires Flexi Grazer Muzzle
Shires Flexi Grazer Muzzle has been developed to provide a very real solution to comfortable, controlled grazing for horse or pony when used as part of a managed feeding regime. Researched and tested, the flexible muzzle is well ventilated, durable and washable. The padded harness is ergonomically shaped and fully adjustable with field safe fastenings to provide a secure fit. Includes a lower D-ring...
$60.79RRP $67.98SAVE $7.19 (10%)
Shires Deluxe Comfort Grazing Muzzle
Shires Deluxe Comfort Grazing Muzzle
Shires Deluxe Comfort Grazing Muzzle are proven to help with controlled or restricted feeding regimes and special diets. The Comfort Grazing Muzzles are cut back under the chin to avoid unnecessary pressure and improve the fit. The muzzle features a rubber base with a hole in the bottom through which grass can enter, reinforced nylon web bars which allow free air exchange and the anti-chafe padding...
$42.24RRP $47.38SAVE $5.14 (10%)

Hydrophane Cribox
Hydrophane Cribox
Hydrophane Cribox an easy way to deter crib biting and chewing of wooden rails or rugs.
Shires Greenguard Muzzle
Shires Greenguard Muzzle
Shires Greenguard Muzzle is a simple solution to reduce grass intake. Designed with vets input for effective grazing management, it is ideal for excess weight, laminitis risk or the good doer. Allows unrestricted breathing and drinking, easy to attach and adjust, durable and UV resistant. Must be used in accordance with the instructions provided with the product to ensure proper fitting. PLEASE...
FROM $138.58RRP $154.53SAVE $15.95 (10%)

Shires Greenguard Headcollar
Shires Greenguard Headcollar
Shires Greenguard Headcollar is Designed specifically for use with the Greenguard Grazing Muzzle to keep it secure and make sure your pony or horse cannot get it off in the field and eat too much grass!
$45.85RRP $51.50SAVE $5.65 (10%)
Hydrophane Cribox Paint
Hydrophane Cribox Paint
Hydrophane Cribox Paint hydrophane Cribox is the tried and trusted formulation used by horse owners to deter horses from crib-biting and gnawing wooden rails. Hydrophane Cribox Paint is a modified version of traditional Cribox that offers the convenience of being able to be painted on to woodwork with the applicator brush provided. Cribox Paint sticks smoothly to woodwork, leaving a thin water-resistant...

NAF Crib StopNAF Crib Stop
NAF Crib Stop
NAF Crib Stop an unpleasant tasting water repellent coating to discourage your horse from biting wood and other hard surfaces.
FROM $22.23RRP $24.71SAVE $2.48 (10%)
Crib Collar
Crib Collar
Crib Collar this windsucking Collar can help in the prevention of cribbing. Simple in design with a nutcracker action.

Muzzles and Cribbing Collars

Grazing muzzles are a very helpful device for horses that are overweight or at-risk for developing laminitis. Check for correct fitting and the field is clear of anything that your horse may get caught on.

Browse grazing muzzles,comfort grazing muzzles and crib collars here ..