Pelhams and Kimblewicks Horse Bits
Pelham Leather Roundings
Pelham Leather Roundings these are ideal to use when you only wish to use one rein instead of two. Simply bend round and attach onto your pelham therefore only needing to hold the one rein rather than two. Can be great for children too with strong ponies without the two reins to manage but gaining that extra control.
Kimblewick Slotted Bit
Kimblewick Slotted Bit similar to the true Kimblewick with a Cambridge mouth, but instead of plain wire D's on the cheek, it has flat ones with slots. The object being to give a fixed rein action - the top slot is snaffle only and the lower slot curb only. In the curb position the bit becomes a strong one and should never be used by children or the inexperienced, but in the snaffle postition it is...
Kimblewick Plain Bit
Kimblewick Plain Bit a pelham with a difference as it uses only a single rein attached to the large D cheek. With the hands held normally the action is that of a snaffle and with them held low, or with adoption of a running martingale, the action is that of a curb. The true Kimblewick has a Cambridge mouth - a low port and a plain mouthpiece. The cheeks are hinged and do not slide. It acts on the lips,...
Pelham Hard Rubber Bit
Pelham Hard Rubber Bit the hard rubber pelham is about the most popular variety of pelham, and the modern alternative to the vulcanite pelhams. The hard rubber coating softens the action of the curved mullen mouth of this pelham bit giving space for the tongue, with no collapse on the bars and no real palate pressure. Hard rubber pelhams are best suited to horse that have enough space for a large mouthpiece...
Pelham Soft Rubber Flexi Bit
Pelham Soft Rubber Flexi Bit the flexible rubber mouth moulds around the horses mouth, giving this pelham the slightly reduced curb action of a jointed pelham, but with a far milder action in the mouth. Flexible rubber pelhams are best suited to horse that have enough space for a large mouthpiece and are ideal for novice riders using a stronger bit for the first time as the mouth is mild. Pelhams are...
Pelham Cambridge Mouth
Pelham Cambridge Mouth
Pelham Waterford Bit
Pelham Waterford Bit the pelham uses a variety of pressures, which all in all seem to work together to prove a very useful bit. Basically the Pelham is an incorporation of the Weymouth and bradoon, and should theoretically be used with 2 reins. the first rein is attached to the snaffle rein, and the second rein attached to the ring at the bottom of the shank, when the first rein is used the Pelham...
Leather Curb Chains
Townfields Leather Curb Chains a good quality leather curb chain with 3 metal links at each end. To use instead of a normal chain.
Pony / 4 inch
Cob / 5 inch
Full / 6 inch
Pelham Swales 3 in 1 Bit
Pelham Swales 3 in 1 Bit the Swales Pelham bit is suitable for strong horses that are inclined to lean down. It is not suitable for a Novice rider or horse that does not fully understand the aids. It is extremely popular bit with the showing and driving fraternity and is often used in other disciplines for faster work on an experienced horse that is over enthusiastic. This is the only Pelham that removes...
Pelham Coscoquero Roller Mouth Bit
Pelham Coscoquero Roller Mouth Bit the coscoquero pelham is a high ported pelham with a central copper wheel in the middle. The Coscoquero if useful for horses that try to get their tongue over the bit or lean, and can also have the action of raising the horses head. Pelham bits are designed to be used with two reins, the 'snaffle' rein on the larger ring which should have a constant contact,...
Pelham Jointed Bit
Pelham Jointed Bit the nutcracker action of the joint makes it far stronger than would be the case with a Mullen or Cambridge mouth. Useful for forward going types. Use either with 2 reins or roundings and 1 rein, for less curb action.
Pelham French Link Bit
Pelham French Link Bit the french link mouthpiece lays across the horses tongue, relieving the nutcracker action and preventing palate pressure. The broken mouthpiece of the french link can effect the way the curb comes into play and lessen the direct action of the curb, but putting more pressure on the bars of the mouth and possibly the palate. Pelham bits are designed to be used with two reins, the...
Pelham Show
Pelham Show The Loose ring show pelham is widely used in showing as an alternative to the Weymouth and Bradoon, it is a neat looking bit, a popular bit for the showing fraternity. ... The Pelham bit is often used for horses that prove to strong in a snaffle, the leverage of the cheeks with the curb chain give a bit more action.
Pelham Mullen Mouth Bit
Pelham Mullen Mouth Bit the mullen mouth pelham is one of the most basic pelhams, and preferable to the more popular hard rubber or vulcanite pelhams for horses with a large tongue or small mouth. The curved mullen mouth of this pelham bit gives space for the tongue, with no collapse on the bars and no real palate pressure. Pelhams are designed to be used with two reins, the 'snaffle' rein on the larger...
Pelhams and Kimblewicks Horse Bits
A pelham bit has elements of both a curb bit and a snaffle bit. In this respect a pelham functions similar to a double bridle, and like a double bridle it normally has double reins: a set of curb reins and a set of snaffle reins or simply ride off one rein using a leather pelham rounding. Pelham bits and kimblewick bits are a more severe bitting option with the length of the shank and the curb chain taken into consideration but used carefully they are extremely popular with horse riders who need some stopping assistance. They come in diferent mouthpieces jointed, french and rubber. Take a browse here ..