In Hand Horse Bits

Nylon In Hand Snaffle BitNylon In Hand Snaffle Bit
Nylon In Hand Snaffle Bit
Nylon In Hand Snaffle Bit this Nylon snaffle with brass/silver rings is a bit suitable for in hand work only, and is a good bit to start mouthing a youngster with. The nylon snaffle has small rings that are less likely to get caught up if the young horse rubs his mouth on anything, and the mouthpiece is warm to the touch and not too thick as to feel uncomfortable. The brass/silver ring nylon snaffle...

In Hand Horse Bits

The Nylon snaffle with brass rings is a bit suitable for in hand work only, and is a good horse bit to start mouthing a youngster with. The mullen snaffle has small rings and can be used to show with an in hand bridle and lead rein. Here are a few in hand bit options at Townfields Saddlers ...