Shires Sweet Iron Loose Ring Copper Lozenge Bit 510 one of the most popular bits we sell, helps to salivate and relax. The copper lozenge sweet iron snaffle (also known as the copper french link bradoon) is one of the most popular bits we sell. The copper lozenge sweet iron snaffle is useful for horses with large tongues or small mouths, as the lack of nutcracker action helps them to stay more settled. The double joint is often favoured by horses as the lack of palette pressure makes the bit more comfortable and relieves pressure on the horses bars. The lozenge snaffle is very similar to the french link, but the smooth central lozenge gives a slightly more positive action on the tongue than the flat plate of the french link. The mixture of sweet iron and copper help almost all horses to salivate, relax and have a more relaxed and supple jaw which helps control and communication with the rider.
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