Equetech has been a manufacturer of high quality, design lead equestrian apparel riding wear since 1992. Equetech is one of the leading providers of equestrian clothing. A family run business using innovative advanced fabric technologies within the field of breeches, jodhpurs, competition shirts, show jackets and specialist equestrian underwear. "Reassuringly equestrian" is how we at Equetech would describe their equestrian clothing collection with emphasis firmly on the technical abilities, style and quality of the products, such as jodhpurs and breeches, show shirts and equestrian underwear.
All Equetech products are designed by Liz Hayman, Equetech Director, who as a horse rider herself can put her own experience and appreciation for the amount of work your horse riding wardrobe actually does for you into practice.
Browse Equetech Riding Jackets, show shirts with complimenting ties and stocks and you'll be ready for the showring.