NAF Hooves

NAF Profeet Hoof MoistNAF Profeet Hoof Moist
NAF Profeet Hoof Moist
NAF Profeet Hoof Moist an entirely natural product with a dual action, Hoof Moist helps improves hoof condition. The smooth gel can be easily applied with either a hoof brush, soft cloth or by hand. Oil and grease free, Hoof Moist has been especially formulated to sustain the moisture content of the hoof and allow natural fluctuation of moisture levels. The ingredients used to make Hoof Moist are of...
$40.90RRP $45.44SAVE $4.54 (9%)
NAF Hoof Oil
NAF Hoof Oil
NAF Hoof Oil a good quality oil to give the hoof a naturally polished look and enhances the natural appearance of the hoof.
$16.34RRP $18.16SAVE $1.82 (10%)

NAF Pro Feet Rock Hard
NAF Pro Feet Rock Hard
NAF Pro Feet Rock Hard a premium hoof hardener developed to protect brittle hooves, strengthen soft soles and disinfect frogs prone to fungal and bacterial attack. Contains naturally bio-available sulphur for maximum hoof horn integrity. For best results apply Rock Hard to the frog and sole with the brush provided daily.
$61.36RRP $68.18SAVE $6.82 (10%)
NAF Five Star Pro Feet Pellets
NAF Five Star Pro Feet Pellets
NAF Five Star Pro Feet Pellets PROFEET supplements are unique in that they not only provide nutrients to directly support hoof health, they also provide nutritional support that helps target healthy liver function, which in turn is fundamental to healthy hoof growth. Biotin is combined with a rich sulphur complex of methionine, lysine and MSM, minerals including calcium and zinc, and a broad spectrum...
$87.95RRP $97.73SAVE $9.78 (10%)

NAF Hoof And Sole
NAF Hoof And Sole
NAF Hoof And Sole a topical application for cracked hooves and soft soles. Helps to harden, strengthen and disinfect the hoof.
$32.23RRP $35.80SAVE $3.57 (9%)
NAF Biotin PlusNAF Biotin Plus
NAF Biotin Plus
NAF Biotin Plus biotin Plus contains methionine, MSM, zinc and calcium to maintain healthy hooves. Research tells us that supplementary biotin is recommended for supporting hoof health. Biotin provides 15mg biotin daily, ideal for everyday maintenance of healthy hooves. For horses and ponies with compromised hoof quality see PROFEET products. Biotin Plus is ideal for everyday maintenance of healthy...
FROM $43.97RRP $48.85SAVE $4.88 (9%)

NAF Five Star Profeet Powder
NAF Five Star Profeet Powder
NAF Five Star Profeet Powder PROFEET supplements are unique in that they not only provide nutrients to directly support hoof health, they also provide nutritional support that helps target healthy liver function, which, in turn is fundamental to healthy hoof growth. Biotin is combined with a rich sulphur complex of methionine, cysteine and MSM, minerals including calcium and zinc, and a broad spectrum...
$87.95RRP $97.73SAVE $9.78 (10%)
NAF Five Star Pro Feet Liquid
NAF Five Star Pro Feet Liquid
NAF Five Star Pro Feet Liquid supplements are unique in that they not only provide nutrients to directly support hoof health, they also provide nutritional support that helps target healthy liver function, which, in turn is fundamental to healthy hoof growth. Biotin is combined with a rich sulphur complex of methionine, cysteine and MSM, minerals including calcium and zinc, and a broad spectrum of...
$87.95RRP $97.73SAVE $9.78 (10%)

NAF Hooves

Hooves - our aim is to nourish and protect your horse's hooves and stamp out bad feet

Hoof quality is largely governed by intrinsic factors such as genetics and diet, whilst external elements, including climate, management and care, also play an important part. Farriers and nutritionists alike recognise the influence diet has on hoof integrity. Poor quality horn, slow hoof growth and a propensity towards cracking and splitting can often be attributed to nutritional deficiencies. Providing targeted nutritional support on a daily basis, in the form of a correctly formulated hoof supplement, can have a huge bearing on the health and growth of your horse's hooves.