The British Horse Society have released a statement on how to ensure your horse is kept safe this season against ragwort!
With the warm and wet weather we have been experiencing everything is growing, including ragwort!
Ragwort contains toxic compounds that are dangerous to horses and if eaten can have an accumulative damaging effect overtime, resulting in liver damage, leading to severe disease and even death.
You may think that your horse won’t eat ragwort, but the risks are often greater when the plant wilts and it loses its bitter taste. Although your horse may appear healthy, signs of illness often aren’t shown until the liver has reached 70% damage, which makes it very difficult to treat.
Be on the lookout for any ragwort growing in your field and don’t take any risks. Help stop the vicious cycle of ragwort growing in your pasture by pulling it up now!
Shop our Fyna-Lite Ragwort Fork now!
18th June 2021